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Module Architecture

As described in the general guide, each cybersecurity solution integrated in MutableSecurity is represented by a module. Each module has a corresponding folder in mutablesecurity/solutions/implementations, named with the solution identifier.

Folder Structure

The module gathers files related to the solution:

  1. files is an optional folder containing useful files, that are uploaded to the target host. A frequent use case is when we have a YAML configuration. The concrete values can be replaced with Jinja placeholders and then used to generate custom, system-specific configuration files based on user's data.
  2. is a Python source file containing the effective automation code that is described in the "Automation Logic" section of the Cybersecurity Solutions page in the general guide. We will discuss more about this later.
  3. logo.png is a PNG image representing the solution logo. It has a transparent background. Its size is arbitrary as long as its height is greater than 200 pixels.
  4. meta.yaml is a YAML file containing static details about the solutions. These were described in the "Other Details" section of the Cybersecurity Solutions page. We will detail on this topic in the next section.


The standard structure of meta.yaml is:

full_name: <solution>
description: <description>
- <reference>
maturity: <maturity_level>
- <category>

Based on the general guide, the first 3 keys are self-explanatory. For the last two, the values needs to be from a specific set, detailed in the maturity levels and solutions categories indexes.

File Structure

The standard structure of this Python file is the following:

"""Module integrating <solution>."""

# pylint: disable=protected-access
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg

# Exceptions classes definitions


# Actions classes definitions


# Information classes definitions


# Logs classes definitions


# Tests classes definitions


# Solution class definition


After providing a module docstring, some pylint warnings are ignored. This ease the integration of new solutions without requiring abundant documentation). Then the classes for exceptions, actions, information, logs, and tests are defined, followed by the solution class aggregating all the other classes.

These classes will be described in the following sections without examples. From this point onward, please look also at the implementation of the solution dummy to see effective Python code.


Inherits BaseSolutionException from The class name ends in Exception.

Methods and Members

  • Docstring: Error message describing the encountered issue. This is useful, for example, when the execution of the CLI tool fails: the message is automatically printed on screen.


Inherits BaseAction from

Usage in Other Objects

An action can be executed inside a pyinfra deployment by calling its execute method. The method is exemplified above.

class Action(BaseAction):

class Solution(BaseSolution):

def _install() -> None:


Methods and Members

  • pyinfra deployment: Defined as a static method decorated with pyinfra's @deploy, takes parameters that need to be passed by users when executing this action.
  • Member IDENTIFIER: Unique alpha string, lowercased and with underscore as the single special character accepted (used instead of spaces)
  • Member DESCRIPTION: Grammatically-correct phrase describing the behavior of the action
  • Member ACT: Reference to the above-mentioned pyinfra deployment


Inherits BaseInformation from

Usage in Other Objects

An information value can be retrieved inside a pyinfra deployment by calling its get method. The method is exemplified above.

class FirstInformation(BaseInformation):

class SecondInformation(BaseInformation):
def setter(old_value: typing.Any, new_value: typing.Any) -> None:
info_value = FirstInformation.get()


Methods and Members

  • pyinfra fact: Defined as a class inheriting pyinfra's FactBase, returns the value of the information as in the remove host

  • pyinfra deployment: Defined as a static method decorated with pyinfra's @deploy, takes two parameters (for the old information value and the new one) and is executed after the new information value is set inside the class. Its purpose is to set on the remote host the new value. Only if required by the information nature.

  • Member IDENTIFIER: Unique alpha string, lowercased and with underscore as the single special character accepted (used instead of spaces)

  • Member DESCRIPTION: Grammatically-correct description of the information

  • Member INFO_TYPE: Information type, one of the DataType suffixed classes exposed by Their names are self-explanatory. In addition, classes for single enumerations or lists of enumerations can be defined by inheriting from the DataType class as exemplified above:

    class State(Enum):
    ENABLED = "enabled"
    DISABLED = "disabled"

    class StateDataType(DataType):
    INNER_TYPE = InnerDataType.ENUM
    BASE_ENUM = State
  • Member PROPERTIES: List of information properties, with possible values from Information Properties index

  • Member DEFAULT_VALUE: Default value of the fact, only if the WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE information property is present

  • Member GETTER: Reference to the above-mentioned pyinfra fact

  • Member GETTER_ARGS: Optional tuple representing the arguments passed to the command method of GETTER. It is used only if the fact is defined in the package.

  • Member SETTER: Reference to the above-mentioned pyinfra deployment. Only if required by the information nature.


Inherits BaseLog from

Methods and Members

  • Member IDENTIFIER: Unique alpha string, lowercased and with underscore as the single special character accepted (used instead of spaces)
  • Member DESCRIPTION: Grammatically-correct phrase describing the log source content
  • Member LOCATION: If the location is static, then this will be only a string with the path. Otherwise, use an information that returns the location (for example, when it is set by the user).
  • Member FORMAT: Logs format, one of the value from the Log Formats index


Inherits BaseTest from

Methods and Members

  • pyinfra fact: Defined as a class inheriting pyinfra's FactBase, returns a boolean indicating if the test passed.
  • pyinfra deployment: Defined as a static method decorated with pyinfra's @deploy, the deployment prepare the environment to be checked by the fact. For example, if the tests checks if a line is present in the log file, then here make the actions that triggers the security solution to write these lines.
  • Member IDENTIFIER: Unique alpha string, lowercased and with underscore as the single special character accepted (used instead of spaces)
  • Member DESCRIPTION: Grammatically-correct phrase describing what the test checks
  • Member TEST_TYPE: Test type, one of the value from the Test Types index
  • Member TRIGGER: Reference to the above-mentioned pyinfra deployment
  • Member FACT: Reference to the above-mentioned pyinfra fact
  • Member FACT_ARGS: Optional tuple representing the arguments passed to the command method of FACT. It is used only if the fact is defined in the package.


Inherits BaseSolution from

Methods and Members

  • Member ACTIONS: Array of actions defined in the current source file
  • Member INFORMATION: Array of information defined in the current source file
  • Member LOGS: Array of logs defined in the current source file
  • Member TEST: Array of tests defined in the current source file
  • Method _install: pyinfra deployment as a static method. Installs the solution.
  • Method _uninstall: pyinfra deployment as a static method. Uninstalls the solution.
  • Method _update: pyinfra deployment as a static method. Updates the solution.