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Releasing a New Version

  1. Follow the first steps from Using Git and GitHub to Contribute, where the issue is named "vX.Y.Z Version Release".

  2. Increase the version number inside pyproject.toml.

  3. Place the same version number inside the VERSION constant from mutablesecurity/

  4. Update

  5. Upload the new release to TestPyPi with the commands below, where <testpypi_token> is the TestPyPi token.

    poetry config repositories.test-pypi
    poetry config pypi-token.test-pypi <testpypi_token>
    poetry publish --build --dry-run --username mutablesecurity --repository test-pypi
    poetry publish --build --username mutablesecurity --repository test-pypi
  6. Install MutableSecurity in a test environment by running pip install --index-url --extra-index-url mutablesecurity.

  7. Test the functionalities introduced by the release.

  8. Follow the steps 5-9 from Using Git and GitHub to Contribute.

  9. Once you ensure that all is properly functioning, upload to PyPi by using the command below, where <pypi_token> is the PyPi token.

    poetry config pypi-token.pypi <pypi_token>
    poetry publish --build --dry-run --username mutablesecurity
    poetry publish --build --username mutablesecurity
  10. Update the PEX executable using the guide.

  11. Update the Debian package using the guide.

  12. Create a new GitHub release by:

    • Creating a new tag in the format vX.Y.Z.
    • Setting the title to be the same as the created tag
    • Placing the version's CHANGELOG section in the description
    • Uploading the PEX executable (named mutablesecutity) and the Debian package (named mutablesecurity.deb).
  13. Update the Debian repository using the guide